READER: What the hell is this? Why should I care? Who are you?
BLOGGER: As to what this blog is I have two answers for you, just stick with me. The first answer to what this blog is: it’s an assignment. I’m currently a senior in college and for my social media class we’re supposed to create a blog…I have no idea how to do that. From what I know about blogs (which is very little) I know a lot of people write lifestyle blogs where they talk about their life and get up close and personal about what’s going on in their lives. I am an insanely shy person so lifestyle blogs are my worst nightmare. I also know that a lot of people do blogs on a passion of theirs, some hobby that’s worth mentioning; a recent passion that I believe a lot of people enjoy talking about is movies so I figured why not? And thus the “Reel World” was born! But that’s not the only reason I want to write this blog.
The second answer to what this blog is: It’s an exploration. Think of when you first discovered an interest or weird hobby you had. You probably wanted to share it with all your friends! Your Google history filled with a bunch of random searches that look real questionable out of context. You try to find professionals who have said something on the subject. This blog is in a way, that same process. You get to ride along and (hopefully enjoy the exploration as you) read into my exploration of movies, the industry, what makes it all important, and more!
READER: But how does this apply at all to your class?
BLOGGER: Great anticipated question! That’s honestly the challenge of it all; having to put all parts of the exploration into the context of class discussions. You get to watch me jump through that hoop too! This week, besides being an introductory week, was also a lot of discussion on who we are online and how we use social media. So, these posts in a way tie in because as this goes on we both get to learn who I am through this blog.(Kind of a cheat with how simple that connects to my discussion but I’ll take it.) Until next time!